SAP Conversational AI chatbots

An increasing part of life is becoming connected with a smartphone. 
The emphasis is increasingly shifting not only to communication by phone, but also in specialized chat rooms. Be it a work chat, a group chat with friends or a chat in an online store with a seller. Chatbots stand apart from all of them. Following the wishes of the customers, SAP provides its own SAP Сonversational ai service.

SAP Conversational AI is a web-based user interface that serves as a platform for building and testing chatbots for your business and individual needs. It provides a node.js environment with a lot of functionality, with the possibility of self-completion by the user.

When developing this platform, specialists initially invested functions that could reveal their potential not only at the moment, but also in the future. As, for example, scaling for other platforms or the aforementioned ability to supplement the missing functions yourself. But what is the qualitative difference between a chat bot from SAP and other services?

SAP Conversational AI provides a unique combination of capabilities and benefits not found in the marketplace:

  • Cloud deployment on world-renowned servers
  • Powerful multilingual messaging technology
  • End - to - end development
  • Setting up a bot for work in a specific industry area
  • Integration with a large number of platforms and with SAP services "out of the box"

And most importantly, the full potential of the possibilities is available immediately after registration, which immediately allows you to present and implement the final form of a chat bot. Next, we will consider the very principle proposed by SAP for creating a chat bot.

Train - Build - Connect - Monitor . This is a four-step system that will help you get your chatbot up and running quickly. Let's take a quick look at each step.

  1. Train . At this stage, you train your chat bot by creating “intentions” (a group of words, united by a common meaning), which will trigger your “skills” in the future.
  2. Build . This stage is devoted to construction, networking, writing "skills" and subsequent testing.
  3. Connect . After the end of testing and identification of all unforeseen situations, it is time for integration. At the moment, more than a dozen third-party messengers are available (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.), a web version and integration with SAP.
  4. Monitor . And the last by number, but not by importance, is the observation stage, which in expanded form shows the statistics of your chatbot operation. Analysis of statistics allows you to find those problems that remained unnoticed at the previous stages, and appeared only after communicating with a large number of people.

And after completing all four stages, we get a fully working chatbot integrated on one or several platforms.

Summarize. What are the benefits of a customer after choosing to use a chat bot instead of a real person?

Thanks to the use of a chat bot, it is possible to reduce the workload on staff, leaving the processing of the same type of questions to him, thereby transferring resources to more important areas. At the same time providing end users with a 24/7 service and faster responses than human responses. And coupled with integration with various services, it gives great opportunities for doing business